Tuesday, 9 June 2009


As a farewell to the D.T class, I will write about how I personally feel how I did on my multimedia project. I didn't do the design specification, because I think that it shouldn't be needed in a project about making a movie about a poem. The problems are obvious, and there are obvious ways to solve them. Say the song for the movie is not in the correct format to play during the movie, then all one has to do is change the format. It's that simple. Overall, my movie was a tad bit above mediocre, the text was visible and the music was appropriate. The poem itself made no sense whatsoever. Alas, that's the beauty of poetry, and literary art, or any type of art for that matter; the art doesn't have to make sense. That's what post-modernism is about. I didn't do the design cycle as well. But if I did, I'm sure I didn't miss out on anything because I completed the project on time, and followed the rubric as suggested. The social impact of this project is miniscule. Unless someone paid special attention to my movie and poem, then maybe just maybe the movie made them contemplate about how they should write a letter to someone.

I can ride my bike with no handlebars.